Hardware Specs
Colour Monitor
3D Googles

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My name is Mikael Regina and I live in the southern parts of Sweden. I have been programming computers for the most part of my life, from the age of 10.
The first computer I owned was the C64, wich was used mainly for games. When I bought my first Amiga, the programming took of. Started with AMOS Pro, then BlitzBasic 2 and HiSoft Basic 2. I even did a bit of C ( I had the StormC compiler ).
On the PC I started with C++ and DirectX, a frustrating combo. All I could do was simple demo games. Desperatly I searched the internet for something else. Close to giving up I stumbled on this wonderful little basic compiler called Blitz3D from the same author ( Mark Sibly ) who did BlitzBasic on the Amiga. At last I could do 3D graphics, games and demos.

Everything on this website is free if nothing else is stated in the text. This means you can use what you find here in whatever way you want. You can put it on your website. You can print out source code and burn it or give it to friends.
If you find whole or portions of my sourcecode useful and you use it in your own projects, then it would be nice to get credits for it.

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